
I studied ceramics in the fine arts departments at the University of Florida and Lousiana State University. I started teaching ceramics at Spruce Creek High School in 2002. I enjoy kayaking and spoiling my dogs.

Start Time Survey

Start Time Survey

Volusia County Schools has a survey out looking for input on changes to elementary, middle, and high school start times. Community members, parents, students, and staff are all invited to respond. VCS School Start Time Survey

Peer Editing and Introduction to Commenting

Peer Editing and Introduction to Commenting

At the end of the first quarter, most students had three blog posts published. We were ready to start with commenting on each others’ posts. I saw a peer editing activity shared by “The Daring English Teacher”, who I follow on Facebook. The lesson used stations and asked students to evaluate each paper with a […]

For Use at Home

In Ceramics I, students have researched and practiced different methods of manipulating the texture of the clay. Learning how each stage of clay allows your marks to have a different effect. Everyone in 3rd, 4th, 6th, and 7th periods is finishing up their coiled bowl with texture. As this work wraps up, students are envisioning […]

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