You are browsing the site archives for 2016.

Artists Refine Craft

Artists Refine Craft

I have been working to include more student choice in Ceramics 1 projects this year. The “Utilitarian Vessel” allowed students to choose a method of construction practiced already, draped slab, coiling or pinching to make a form of their choice to be used in the home. Students sketched out several ideas and created a maquette, […]


These artworks by Ceramics I & II students are delicate, thoughtful and moving. Each small sculpture tells an individual story from Hurricane Matthew. As a collection, they illustrate our community’s experience. This activity was inspired by a workshop I attended at the University of Florida, lead by the artist Richard Notkin.

Your first blog post

Your first blog post

Compose and publish a post explaining  what you have learned about clay so far in class. Your post should be two to three sentences long and include a title. If you are ready for a challenge include a photograph of your work in class with the post.

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