Ceramics 1: Artists Communicate PORTRAIT BUST

Design a three-dimensional hollow slab built portrait bust. (Please watch the videos linked below, they break down the process step by step!) (Do not rely on building solid and hollowing out the form, this is a crutch and does not demonstrate your progress at improving  your art making skills.) Your finished object should measure at least 8″ tall, no larger than 12″ tall. Consider how to incorporate details and additional content to communicate more about the individual’s biography to the viewers. 

Artists Research: Watch these videos from AMACO Brent https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLH4cdBd_q0brebpHQAzbz2ht07mYCYSHi Share images and articles that you are using as reference in designing and building your work. Your in progress formative will take place during Teacher Checkpoint #1 on the project progress sheet.

Artists Plan: Complete multiple sketches, you are encouraged to include measurements and different points of view. (3 pts.). Build a maquette and get feedback from three classmates (2pt.). Set deadlines and meet them through the project planning sheet (1pt.) score will be finalized at the midpoint Teacher Checkpoint #3

Artists Observe: When planning and building your form include details that another artist might overlook. To exceed expectations pull details from visual and text based resources, apply and highlight them in your finished work.

Artists Communicate: Throughout this project you need to maintain a project progress worksheet. It requires you to get feedback from your peers. In these conversations and note sessions focus on if your forms and details a effectively communicating for you. Do you need to provide information to help your peers clearly see your ideas? Does your project stand on its own? Does it make an impact and have meaning to the viewer(s)?

Artists Solve Problems: Stick with it! Work through different possible solutions and try some when your plans don’t work as easily as you thought. Get suggestions from your peers. Before you change ideas or projects you must arrange a conference with the teacher.

Artists Reflect: Document your process and completed work in a blog post. Some questions you might address: What was successful about this work? What were some challenges? How would your process, form, time management change if you were building this art work again?

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