notes to the class

Research images from the MET

Storage vessel
2nd century B.C.–A.D. 3rd century

This is an example of the post you are completing to show you have learned to refine your search of the Metropolitan Museum of Art’s online collection. Create a citation for each image. Here is a link to the assignment sheet. I will add to this page throughout the day as a demonstration of uploading the image and creating […]


These artworks by Ceramics I & II students are delicate, thoughtful and moving. Each small sculpture tells an individual story from Hurricane Matthew. As a collection, they illustrate our community’s experience. This activity was inspired by a workshop I attended at the University of Florida, lead by the artist Richard Notkin.

Your first blog post

Your first blog post

Compose and publish a post explaining  what you have learned about clay so far in class. Your post should be two to three sentences long and include a title. If you are ready for a challenge include a photograph of your work in class with the post.

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